Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Could an apprenticeship be right for you?


Could an apprenticeship be right for you?


Definition: An apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study (classroom work and reading). Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession.

Definition:traineeship is an education and training programme which incorporates work experience, preparing young people for their future careers by helping them to become 'work ready'. ... Employers are not required to pay trainees for the work placement and traineeships are exempt from the Minimum Wage.

Differences: The difference between a traineeship and an apprenticeship is that a traineeship can be either a full-time or part-time employment based training arrangement, usually for around 12 months (apprenticeships usually last for three to four years) and is generally in a non-trade related area

The following information is found on the Government website:

Apprenticeships are an exciting option -  you get hands-on training and also the chance to put your skills into practice.

Apprenticeships are available at multiple levels. From school leavers, people upskilling in their careers and complete career changes. There are hundreds to choose from and some include a qualification, like a degree. 

What you'll earn

What you earn will depend on the industry, location and type of apprenticeship you choose.

If you're aged 16 to 18 or in the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the apprentice rate.

If you're 19 or over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage.

This is the minimum you’ll earn - many employers pay a lot more and offer their apprentices a competitive salary. 

What it costs

Apprenticeships are funded from contributions made by the government and your employer. This means you will not have any student loans or tuition fees.

You'll just need to cover the cost of your day-to-day expenses, such as lunch and travel.

If you're 16 to 24 and a care leaver, you'll receive a £1,000 bursary payment to support you in the first year of your apprenticeship.



If you are interested in finding out more, then our Candidates Team is on hand to answer any questions you might have. candidates@jobs4teens.co.uk

 Brought to you by Teenage Recruitment Specialists

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Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Are you a Parent helping your Teenager to find work?


Are you a Parent helping your Teenager to find work?


Are you a Parent helping your Teenager to find work? Then we can help you with the process.

We are more than aware that not all young people aged 16 and over want to continue learning and go on to higher and further education. For them a traineeship, an apprenticeship, or a job might be the best option. However, the majority of the information out there is geared heavily towards teenagers continuing in education for as long as possible.

We wish that more employers would consider introducing apprenticeship schemes. There is still some Government assistance for those firms willing to offer places. Our own data and research shows that there are thousands of teenagers aged 16-17 who would prefer to work as an apprentice, if the places were out there.

If your teenager is under 16 then they will only be able to seek out part-time work, but the skills and experience they gain from doing a part time job will prepare them for any future opportunities, as well as giving them some money of their own to spend.

Older teenagers and school leavers are generally more focused on their options and whether or not further education is right for them. An 18 year old with real work experience on their CV will stand out to employers as being work-ready.

We encourage all parents to visit the Parents & Guardians section of our website and pick up some useful tips and advice.


Brought to you by 
Advice for Parents

#Apprenticeships #Traineeships #Teenagers #Workready #Opportunities #jobs4teens


Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Do you need help with Interview Preparation for that Part-time Job?


Do you need help with Interview Preparation for that Part-time Job?



Do you need help with Interview Preparation for that Part-time Job? Then read on…….

So, you’ve worked hard on your CV and you’ve asked us at Jobs4teens for some help, you’ve read our CV advice jobs4teens blog,  you’ve sent off and handed in loads of CVs, you’ve followed up with phonecalls and now, finally, you’ve got an interview.  It doesn’t matter if it’s for a full-time position, part-time job or a holiday job, the basic interview principles apply right across the board.

What to wear……

Always err on the side of caution and dress smartly. Even if the employer says it’s going to be just “an informal chat”, or even if the job is a small part-time job, like dog walking or a paper round – show your employer you are a professional young person. Don’t wear trainers, or sportswear, and keep your make up to a minimum. Trousers or a skirt and a plain shirt are fine, you don’t need to go in a suit, and there’s never anything wrong in wearing your school uniform if needs be (with or without the tie).

Preparation and research……

Before the interview do a little research. Who is the employer? How long have they been in business? How much can you find out about the company online to show you’ve done your research? For larger companies, you can often find out what their existing employees think of them on https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/index.htm or you can read online customer reviews on their Facebook page, customer comments on Twitter, or photo posts on Instagram.

Write down and take your notes with you and take a pen. Take a copy of your CV in case you need to refer to this in your interview.  If the employer didn’t ask for a CV then take a copy anyway and as always, if you need any help with your CV, then please let us know at candidates@jobs4teens.co.uk

Has your interviewer asked you to take anything with you?  Like a copy of your exam results or your passport? Don’t forget these. You will not want to come across as disorganised.

Getting there………

How are you going to get to the interview? If you’re going by public transport or car then allow extra time during rush hour. Its ok to be early, but not too early. We reckon 10 to 15 mins beforehand is about right. If you’re earlier than that, then have a walk round the block to gather your thoughts and use up some time. There is a really handy and accurate transport planner here https://nationaljourneyplanner.travelinesw.com/swe/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en&timeOffset=15

Will you be walking there? We know it’s not always a great look, but borrow an umbrella, you might be thankful of it. If you’re ever unsure about your route or travelling time, then do a trial run the day before to test your journey out.

The clichés………

As your folks at home might say – ‘Just be yourself’. Be honest if you’ve not got any prior experience. At Jobs4teens we work with employers who know you’re not likely to have much experience if you’re at school or college. Your hobbies interests and ambitions are just as important at this stage, so try and talk about your commitment to a sports team, your dedication to rehearsing for your band, or how this part-time job is going to be relevant to any future career choices.

Do you have any questions……?

Take a list of any questions that you might want to ask about the company, the job and maybe your potential work colleagues. Take more questions than think you might need as many of them might be answered during the interview itself leaving you with nothing other than, “Ummm, I think you answered everything I wanted to ask.”  at the end.

Use any unanswered questions from your research and your notes – For example:  “How long have you been in business for?” or “What are your busiest times of the year?”

That’s it…….

Please let us know how you get on at interview. We love to hear about your success stories, and we’re always happy to offer you any guidance or help if you need it when preparing for an interview, or if you think that one you have attended went badly………. Just drop us a line candidates@jobs4teens.co.uk or message us on 07387 758 056

 #teenagers #jobs #jobs4teens

Brought to you by part time work for teenagers